SMC 2007 Magic Contest

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Photographers Welcome

Emcee Doug Slaton

Cecil Lewis and Lam Chan

Lam Chan explains

Handing out ballots

Act #1 - Cameron Brow

Kenneth helps Cameron

Audience voting

Every vote counts!

Act #2 - Ray Gillis

Special effects

Ray Gillis

Ray Close Up

A card trick

Act #3 - Chris Pontarolo-Maag

Working the crowd

Precise Moves

Act #4 - Kim Max Long

An old classic

Act #5 - Ron Hodges

Shuffle 'em up


Card Play


More Cards

Act #6 - Cecil Lewis

Borrowing Money


What's he doing?

You're burning my money!

Wave the wand, hope for magic

Act #7 - James Logon

And now a card effect

Act #8 - Don Belfils

Setting up the next effect

Pretty as a picture!

I'll just poke this in here

A fountain of color

Doug seats a volunteer

Act #9 - Lam Chan

Metal cups and little balls

See, it's empty

Where did THAT come from!

Awards ready for the winners

Steve Whitford tallys

2nd Place Lam Chan

1st Place Cecil Lewis

Peformers Choice Max Long

Showmanship Award

Cecil Lewis, Showman!

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